Merritt Road, Rowlett, Tx

Project Description
The City of Rowlett expanded Merritt Road to improve mobility and increase capacity on Merritt Road since there are no service roads along the President George Bush Turnpike from Merritt Road to Rowlett City limits. The innovative design for Merritt Road is intended to support this area as a new technology corridor and to attract related business. Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2013.
Key iSWM Features
The design for Merritt Road integrates sustainable features, including medians that contain native plantings, vegetated swales, and four bioretention systems. These features combine to form a "treatment train" drainage method: open vegetated swale, forebay sediment filtering, biological uptake of pollutants with native plantings, and filtration of water before discharge. The treatment train system focuses on the application of low maintenance and cost-effective stormwater control design solutions aimed to improve water quality, reduce landscaping maintenance and irrigation demands, and provide cost savings.
Drawings and Technical Information
The following drawings and technical information are available for this project (click on title for link):
- Cover Sheet
- Proposed Typical Sections
- Existing Drainage Area Map
- Proposed Drainage Area Map
- Storm Drain Plan and Profile
- Proposed Bioswale
- Bioretention Enlargement Plan (planting details)
- Miscellaneous Bioswale Details
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